AxtraxPro Software |
Current Version AxtraxPro Version Browse Documentation REBOOT THE SYSTEM AND ALLOW UPDATES TO BE INSTALLED BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO INSTALL AXTRAXPRO This is a .ZIP file, it must be extracted before running the setup, The setup program must be run as administrator. Compatible with the following panels AC-825IP (MCU must be type VG) ** AC-215*/225/425 Series A and Series B Supported OS: Windows 10 or 11 64bit Windows Server - 2016 and above Microsoft SQL Server - 2019 **** This version does not support SQL Server 2012 *** see Installation Instructions for details Recommended Minimum System Requirements: Intel Core I5 dual core 2.5 GHz or equivalent RAM 8GB, 5GB free storage space To upgrade from AxtraxNG you must be running AxtraxNG or later * AC-215U must be mfg after 01/01/2011 contact Tech Support for details ** To determine if AC-825IP is compatible you must be running AxtraxNG or later Got to panel properties and check MCU type it must be VG |
AxtraxPro Software Licensing This applies to all types of licenses for AxtraxPro ONLY Video Integration, webclients and Reader ports (no license is required for AxtraxPro systems with less than 6 reader ports) To Order a license key for AxtraxPro requires the HWID of the PC on which the server software will be installed. Please see the link below for instructions for how to get the HWID; Obtain HWID from AxtraxPro Rosslare AxtraxPro HWID Utility To Install a License key please see the link below; Activating License Details |